Vika G.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Vika in a look from her SS11 collection. The collection is thoughtful, elegant and, as always, resplendent with Vika's stylistic substance.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

I was flipping through the magazines I picked up the other day and came across this beauty feature in the January 2011 issue of Elle U.K. (Carey Mulligan covers the issue). I was so excited when I laid eyes on Charlotte and and Rosa-Safiah (on the same page, for me a huge coincidence), because I had the lovely opportunity to shoot them during London and Paris fashion weeks. It's nice to see that their personal beauty looks are exactly what they describe in the feature.



Tassel trend @ TOPSHOP Unique

These pictures are from the Topshop Unique catwalkshow, spring summer 2011 collection.
The show was on the 18th of September in London so you have might seen these pictures before.
But the pictures are just so amazing!


One of the trends for next season is the "tassels trend".
While it's been a constant to see the odd, small tassel on leather accessories like handbags and purses, we're now seeing them prominently - oversized, extra long, brightly coloured or made to stand out in some way.
And it's no longer just handbags: for spring 2011 they're on everything from shoes to dresses to belts and hats.

Timberland Men's 8-Inch Premium Waterproof Boot

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Timberland Men's Boots
Timberland Men's Boots
Timberland Men's Boots
Timberland Men's Boots

physically better, emotionally destroyed

Hey there, I was feeling better today so my husband, the epidemiologist, not the astrologer (ever after referred to as "ENA", and this only refers to his first name not his profession), P.J. (the toddler with the mostest) and I ventured into the center of St. Moritz to pick up some magazines and run other errands (shopping). After a quick stop into Bottega Veneta, I popped into a boutique (I've blocked the name out of my head, you'll see why in a minute), which had tons of Azzedine Alaïa in the window. I've been dying for Vanessa Coyle's killer Alaïa boots and, in the last couple days, have built up an end-of season-panic that they will be sold out before sale season starts. They have been for the most part. But that's the risk you take when you aim to be a responsible shopper.


I was 20 minutes too late, they rung up that last pair in my size as I watched in despair. The lucky lady took home at least three pairs of beauties by the designer. Whimper, whimper. I've sent an e-mail to Corso Como10 inquiring about a black pair that I saw the other day. I'll let you know what happens. AND THANKS FOR ALL YOUR GET WELL WISHES!!! XOXO

MEPHISTO Leidina New Walking, Flats, Mary Jane Shoes Burgundy Womens

Monday, December 27, 2010
Product Details: Brand & Style - MEPHISTO Leidina Width - Medium (B, M) Heel Height - 1.5 Inch Heel Material - Genuine Leather Upper and Man Made SoleCondition - New: In Box Color - ChiantiSKU - 08-3C-2043-1

COLE HAAN Air Paisy. Ot. Flats Ballet Shoes Black Womens

Product Details: Brand & Style - COLE HAAN Air Paisy. Ot. Width - Medium (B, M) Heel Height - 0.25 Inch Heel Material - Patent Leather Upper and Man Made SoleCondition - New / Display: In Box Color - Black SKU - 01-1B-1767-1

J-41 Eclipse New Flats, Mary Jane Shoes Purple Womens

Product Details: Brand & Style - J-41 Eclipse Width - Medium (B, M) Heel Height - 1 Inch Heel Material - Nubuck Leather Upper and Man Made SoleCondition - New: In Box Color - EggplantSKU - 04-1C-1866-1

White Christmas

Have you all had a lovely christmas?
It was an amazing christmas, with a lot of snow, a beautiful christmas tree and having diner with my loved ones.
I also received some lovely christmas presents, I will show them next time ;)

I'm wearing:

Blanket wrap cardigan - Asos // t-shirt - American Apparel // leather look trousers - Topshop // scarf - Asos

Just what the doctor ordered


I'm not feeling well today. I guess I've been indulging too much in the season's feasts. Last night's Bollito Misto alla Piemontese has left me immobile in bed this morning, but, I've been able to find a little joy in my situation. The above snapshot is the view from my pillow. Nice, huh? I love the tone and texture scheme of the shoes that I packed (totally unintentional) for this trip to Madulain. Gosh, how I love YSL Tributes, I rarely ever leave home with out them. And don't get me started on my all-time-favorite Louboutin Pigalle, the ultimate toe-cleavage stiletto. And my beloved Miu Miu leopard skin platforms, my favorite platform for fall 2010. Every time I open my eyes, these babies are there. I think I feel the strength coming back to my achy bones.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I want to wish everyone a very merry christmas!
Enjoy the wonderful time with your family and friends!

There is nothing better than having diner with your loved ones, next to the christmas tree with a lot of amazing christmas presents ;)

I was planning to make a larger update but I have to hurry for the christmas dinner with my friends.. I will write a new post tomorrow!

Have fun today!

COLE HAAN Shana Mj. Sling Heels Pumps Shoes Yellow Womens

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Product Details: Brand & Style - COLE HAAN Shana Mj. Sling Width - Medium (B, M) Heel Height - 0.25 Inch Heel Material - Patent Leather Upper and Leather SoleCondition - New / Display: In Box Color - Lemon SKU - 06-8A-1040-1


Product Details: A truly elegant shoe. The silhouette alone is worth everything: the carved and set back heel, the wrapped bull-nose and the knotted toe all add poetry to this satin evening shoe. The padded footbed means that you can dance all night! The leather sole has beveled and painted edges and the shoe fits true to size.


Product Details: Bronze is the new standard for neutrality: wear with absolutely everything. The shoe itself has a covered double platform, a sculpted nose and the soft nappa leather and the hand-rubbed metallic leather are both luxe. Notice the peek-a boo cutouts. In addition, the leather sole has painted and beveled edges. The stacked wooden heel is 4 1/2 inches high and fits true to size. 100% GENUINE LEATHER



Wishing you a merry Christmas filled with happiness and with love. xoxo, Tamu

Merry Christmas from all at Next Company!!!.. We hope you have a fabulous holiday and we shall see you in the New Year!


Wir danken unseren Geschäftspartnern und Freunden für die gute Zusammenarbeit und wünschen allen ein besinnliches 
Weihnachtsfest und ein Gutes Neues Jahr 2011.

Euer Next Company Team

We are closed until January 2nd 2011

Jasa Raharja dan Meningkatnya Lakalantas

Thursday, December 23, 2010
"Tadi saya liat iklan Jasa Miharja di televisi, eh Jasa Raharja maksudnya, walah lucu bangat iklannya".

Begitulah status seorang teman di dinding facebooknya. Ya, teman saya yang satu ini memang penggemar aktor komedian asal Betawi, Jaja Miharja. Wajar saja kalau kemudian hari ia sering menirukan kalimat yang diucapkan Jaja Miharja, yakni "Bukan Jaja Miharja tapi Jasa Raharja.

Ya, Jaja Miharja memang sedang tidak melawak, tapi ia sedang menjadi bintang iklan Jasa Raharja, sebuah perusahaan asuransi kerugian negara, yang pada Januari mendatang bakal berusia 50 tahun.

Langkah sosialisasi jitu yang diambil Jasa Raharja dengan menggaet Jaja Miharja ternyata membuahkan hasil yang sangat positif dari masyarakat. Alhasil, Jaja Miharja menjadi icon baru Jasa Raharja.

Sebagai perusahaan yang hampir berusia setengah abad. Jasa Raharja janganlah berpuas diri dengan capaian yang ada. Ada baiknya Jasa Raharja melakukan inovasi-inovasi untuk mendekatkan diri pada masyarakat.

Apalagi saat ini tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas kian meningkat saja. Tanpa langkah ini, tentu kehadiran Jasa Raharja di tengah-tengah masyarakat tidak ada artinya.

Untuk konteks Bandar Lampung, Jasa Raharja juga giat melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat. Beberapa bulan yang lalu kita mendengar Jasa Raharja bersama Polda Lampung dan Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Lampung menggelar dialog publik yang digelar di Universitas Lampung.

Tentu saja dialog publik tersebut membawa isu strategis tentang kecelakaan lalu lintas (lakalantas).Mengingat saat ini mobilitas angkutan saat ini cukup tinggi dan itu sangat beresiko menyebabkan lakalantas.

Terkait meningkatnya korban lakalantas adalah usia produktif, maka patut diapresiasi jika Jasa Raharja menggandeng Polda, Dishub dan untuk bersama-sama mengurangi resiko lakalantas.

Selain menggelar dialog publik, Jasa Raharja Lampung juga membagi-bagikan helm dan kaus tangan kepada para pengendara sepeda motor di beberapa jalan utama Kota Bandar Lampung. Dalam kegiatan ini mereka mengandeng Polresta Bandar Lampung dan Unila. Langkah ini lagi-lagi adalah dalam rangka sosialisasi untuk menekan angka kecelakaan lalu lintas di wilayah Provinsi Lampung.

Tentu dalam setiap sosialisasinya, Jasa Raharja selalu mengimbau agar para pengendara kendaraan bermotor senantiasa berhati-hati dan mematuhi rambu lalu lintas. Selain itu, juga meminta kepada para korban lakalantas maupun ahli warisnya agar dapat mengurus santunan Jasa Raharja melalui prosedur yang telah ditetapkan .

Sekadar mengingatkan Jasa Raharja, berdasarkan data lakalantas di wilayah Kota Bandar Lampung, pada kurun waktu 2008-2010 pelajar SLTA paling mendominasi jumlah pelaku kecelakaan lalu lintas.

Dari tahun 2008-2009 sampai 2010 (Jan-Nov), berdasarkan kriteria pendidikan, jumlah pelaku lakalantas dari pelajar SLTA mencapai angka 954 orang.

Disusul pelajar SMP dengan jumlah pelaku 329 orang, di bawahnya mahasiswa dengan jumlah pelaku sebanyak 210 orang. Urutan terakhir, dari pelajar SD jumlah pelakunya sebanyak 63 orang. Sedangkan untuk jenis kendaraan, sepeda motor menempati urutan pertama dengan jumlah 1.972 motor dari empat jenis kendaraan yang digunakan pelaku lakalantas.

Di bawah kendaraan motor, mobil pribadi mencampai 421 kendaraan, disusul kendaraan jenis pickup dan truk sebanyak 245 kendaraan, dan terakhir kendaraan jenis bus sebanyak 39 kendaraaan.

Untuk mobil pribadi terdiri dari jenis, minibus, sedan dan jeep. Selain itu ada 78 kendaraan yang mengalami laka tunggal dari berbagai jenis kendaraan.

Dengan data-data ini, Jasa Raharja tentu ditantang untuk lebih giat lagi melakukan sosialisasi dan hal ini tidak hanya cukup dilakukan di jalan-jalan atau di kampus-kampus. Maka ada baiknya Jasa Raharja bisa terus menerus melakukan sosialisasi di sekolah-sekolah, baik itu SD, SLTP hingga SLTA.

Jasa Raharja juga mesti melibatkan diler-diler sepeda motor untuk melakukan sosialisasi. Mengapa mesti diler? Pasalnya merekalah yang menjual kuda besi tersebut kepada masyarakat untuk mengisi jalan-jalan yang ada di kota ini.

Sekadar catatan saja, hingga bulan ke-11, total pasar kendaraan roda dua sudah mencapai 6.881.893 unit. Berarti, jumlah tersebut tercatat sebagai rekor baru setelah melewati angka tertinggi 6.215.831 unit yang diukir pada 2008.

Padahal, tahun pemasaran 2010 masih sisa satu bulan lagi. Dengan tambahan 620.000 unit dari penjualan rata-rata bulanan, maka prediksi total tahun ini bisa menembus 7,4 juta unit, atau naik 27,5 persen dari tahun lalu 5,8 juta unit.

Data Asosiasi Industri Sepedamotor Indonesia (AISI) menyabutkan, Honda masih memimpin penjualan dengan 3.202.979 unit atau menguasai 46,54 persen pangsa pasar. Sementara Yamaha membayang di belakang dengan 3.095.072 unit (44,97 persen), diikuti Suzuki menorehkan 484.276 unit (7,04 persen), Kawasaki 79.566 unit (1,16 persen), TVS 18.185 unit (0,26 persen), dan Kanzen 1.815 unit (0,03 persen).

Hasil ini tentu membawa kabar yang baik bagi perkembangan industri otomotif kita.Namun juga bisa jadi kabar buruk bagi kita semua, sebab dengan demikian, maka peluang untuk terjadi lakalantas akan semakin besar.

Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya diler-diler motor juga menjalin sinergi yang lebih baik lagi dengan Jasa Raharja. Kalau perlu Jasa Raharja 'jemput bola', sehingga sosialisasi untuk menekan angka kecelakaan lalu lintas di wilayah Provinsi Lampung akan berjalan lebih maksimal.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010
If you buy one version, then you will not rest until you have the other! Metallic snakeskin for day or velvet and leather for date? The placement of the cut-outs on the foot is really so pretty, please use the rotate button to see and then the zoom button to see the relationship between the leather and the velvet. The padded footbed adds additional comfort and adds at least another hour on the dance floor. The leather sole has painted and beveled edges and the shoe fits true to size.


This is the editor's favorite and designer pick: the super-flat metallic goddess sandal has the most romantic overall feel. The layered braid looks like it could be seen in an oil painting at the louvre. The leather sole has beveled and painted edges and the dainty side buckle adds charm. Wear this with everything from a long evening dress to slim white pants. Fits true to size. 100% METALLIC LEATHER

over the shoulder with a heartfelt laugh




Nothing feels better than a good laugh. Especially when it comes to expressing your style. It means that you are having fun, and it invites everyone in your presence to join in and experience your delight. Case in point, model Camille Row, who laughs heartily as she slings her gorgeous camel coat over her shoulders outside the Moncler Gamme Rouge presentation.

You know I ♥ Jen


Style is very much about the right attitude. Jen Brill's laid back, totally unaffected approach drives me to blush. I always shake my head with admiration when I see her.

Tim Rueger by Alfredo Albanesi for Tendencias, December 2010

Tim Rueger by Alfredo Albanesi for Tendencias, December 2010

Malgosia Bela by David Sims : CHLOE S/S 2011 Campaign

Malgosia Bela by David Sims : CHLOE S/S 2011 Campaign

Christmas wishlist

I have so many things on my wishlist that it's really hard to choose a few items for my Christmas wishlist.
This year it's about parfume, make up and accessoires.
All my perfume bottles are almost empty and I love the parfume from Marc Jacobs.
The shoes are on top of my wishlist! I want them so bad!

Parfume - Marc Jacobs Daisy and Lola, Givenchy ange ou demon le secret.
Make up - Chanel Radiant Glow Highlighting Powder, Chanel Rose Confidentiel nailpolish, Dior Minaudière Pallet
Accessoires - Pieces mittens/handgloves, Topshop ring
Clutches - Miu Miu and Asos
Shoes - Sam Edelman and Luxury Rebel

Elegant Strapless Print Dress Collection

Elegant Strapless Print Dress
Elegant Strapless Print Dress
Elegant Strapless Print Dress
Elegant Strapless Print Dress
Elegant Strapless Print Dress

THE LONG and short of IT

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm so impressed with the way Veronica (above) and Columbine (below) layer their top coats over a pair of shorts or a dress. And, I love how they've both rolled their sleeves to perfection.
