Get your fix of wine and handbags at the 4th Annual “Bags & Bottles” event March 14th at the Westin Hotel to benefit Gilda’s Club of Seattle. Sample wine from over 32 Northwest wineries and meet Washington state firefighters as they sign their 2010 calendar.
Fashionista Joan Kelly, of Seattle’s premier runway show Fashion First will be auctioning off handbags signed & donated by celebrities including Carol Burnett, Olivia Newton John, Shawn Johnson, Tina Fey, Sharon Osbourne, Regina King, Lili Taylor, Sweet P, Scarlett Johansson, Rachael Ray, Elisabeth Moss, Aya Sumik, Marcia Cross, Rebecca Wells and Amy Ray.
What: Bags & Bottles
When: March 14th from 2-7pm
Where: Westin Hotel
Tickets: $40
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