If you’re worried about fitting into all the beautiful fall fashion you’ve seen on the runway sign up for Doc Bruno’s Fitness Bootcamp in Ballard. I’ve had two savvy girlfriends already sign up and they are already losing some serious inches on their hips, toning up their thighs and breaking out their skinny jeans just in time for Fall.
Fitness enthusiast and chiropractor Albert Bruno created the Bootcamp as a fun way to get fit. Doc Bruno started out as a personal trainer and trainer of personal trainer's at New York City's Vertical Club. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1989 and has been in private practice since then.
Sign up now for the special September rate of $99. Classes meet four times a week (Monday,Wednesday Friday and Saturday) for one-hour which means you are getting 16 workouts for a great value of just over $6 per class. Bootcamps run from 6am-7am and from 7am-8am in the Ballard Commons Park so you can pick a time that works for you.
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions. For more info click here or call 206-769-0362.
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