A great wardrobe always starts with style staples. For women this includes a great outfit paired with stylish shoes and of course, a fabulous handbag. You should never underestimate the power of a great bag because it’s the one item that can truly pull your entire look together. Tara, from Rocco E Dante handbags knows this concept very well and on December 19th, 20th and 21st she’s offering her bags for up to 60% off their normal retail prices. This is an amazing steal you won’t find anywhere else and of course, it’s only on Queen Anne at Rocco’s boutique tucked away at 812 5th Ave. North (just a few blocks up from 5th and Mercer). Doors will be open from 12 noon until 8pm for 3 days only. Pencil this into your agenda- you won’t want to miss out on a sale like this!
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